The Liturgical Life Commission services the parish in the areas of Liturgy and Ecumenism, always striving to protect the integrity of the Liturgy and Worship Environment. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, discerning parish worship/liturgical/prayer needs, planning and preparing liturgical events and celebrations, fostering an atmosphere of hospitality and harmony in all aspects of its work and updating members with knowledge necessary to function effectively.
Parish Council Liaison: Andrea Bowman
Altar Linens (Laundering)
The persons in this ministry launder and iron the purificators, corporals and hand towels used during Mass.
Contact: Joanne Pavia 636.527.6548
Art & Environment
Decorates church for holy days and holidays as well as maintaining plants and décor throughout the year.
Contact: Courtney Dolan 314.322.9108
Eucharistic Adoration
Everyone is invited to participate in Eucharistic Adoration between the 8:30am Mass on Tuesday and the 8:30am Mass on Wednesday. You can come whenever you wish, or you can sign up for a particular hour each week.
Contact: Carol Smith 314.504.8663
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Lay persons specially commissioned to help with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
Contact: Deacon Lee Trani
Hospitality Ministry
Members of the parish in this ministry greet those attending weekend Masses, perform ushers’ duties and attend to the details that contribute to the orderliness of our liturgies.
Contact: Joanne Pavia 636.527.6548
Liturgy Committee
Advises, plans, and assists in all parish liturgies. The Liturgy Committee generally meets once a month.
Contact: Joanne Pavia 636.527.6548
Music Ministry
“I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” (Psalm 104:33) No “command” appears in scripture more than that to praise our Creator. When we love Jesus, we cannot help singing thanks and praise to Him! If God has gifted you with musical talents, please consider investing them here in our worship.
Contact: Wen Shen 636.394.7307
Confirmed lay men and women who are trained and then commissioned by the pastor to proclaim the Holy Scriptures at Mass and other times the community gathers for prayer and worship.
Contact: Frank Grimes
Adults who help ready the various vessels and articles before and after Mass.
Contact: Bob Burger 636.256.2575
Boys & girls, in grades 6 through 12, serve Mass and
other liturgies on a rotating schedule.
Contact: Fr. Andrew Auer 636.394.7307